
Monday 9 December 2019

Activity 1: New Zealand Royalty

facts about lorde

Her real name

Let’s start with the basics here. No, this talented lady’s real name is not Lorde. It’s actually the exotic and culturally eclectic sounding Ella Marija Lani Yelich-O’Connor – her mother is of Croatian descent whilst her father is of Irish stock.

Her parents

It’s no wonder that Lorde has risen the way she has with such brilliant parents behind her. Her father is a civil engineer who actually used to employ her during school breaks. Her mother, Sonja Yelich, is an award-winning poet who encouraged Lorde to read a ton during her childhood. Interestingly, in this modern age of smart gadgets, Lorde’s parents barely let her watch TV, and when she was allowed she watched old classics like Wonder WomanThe Partridge Family, and Little House on the Prairie.

The place she calls home

Lorde really is the epitome of your everyday Kiwi kid who took the world by storm. She was born in Takapuna and raised in Devonport, which is a sleepier suburb of Auckland that lies across the bay from the city proper. Since becoming a household name, she has bought her own house in the area and, when not on tour, still loves to potter around picking up free furniture and knick-knacks on hard-rubbish day. It’s a day in the year when people get rid of their old but still serviceable furniture and stuff they can’t fit in their houses anymore, but don’t want to just throw it away.

Wednesday 27 November 2019

Binary Code

Hi Guys, today i'm going to talk about Binary, Binary is kinda like Binary codes but its 01010101 that's what it is. If you type in any word inside your computer it will spell
this  01001000 01101001 that spells hi in binary I hope that you learned something today.

                                                     Challenge try to guess my name in Binary.
                                                                     My name is Stan.


Wednesday 20 November 2019

My Chips

 Hello readers
this is my slide full of chips i hope you guys learn some thing and leave a comment down below if you like it.

Wednesday 16 October 2019

My Cool Looking Kiwi Collage

Hello Readers I'm back with another post and I've been learning collage. It's all about
using images but just colour texture. Here is mine i hope you guys like it
and  if you had a collage what would it be?

Thursday 12 September 2019

my first tracing on my chrome book

hello guys i'm back i'am posting this so you guys can see here it is i hope you like it

Wednesday 7 August 2019

my very first venngage!!

Hi readers! 
i have been learning venngage and its a fun site where you can make a poster about
some thing you want on your post this is my first time using it so its not finished it.
how is it so far? is it good?

Wednesday 24 July 2019

shout out to mark!!!!!

hey Readers!
i just wanna shout out to some  one who's been there for me and play with me
i just wanna shout out to my best friends mark he's been there for me
and i just wanna say thank u so much for being there  if your there please thank you
so much!!!!!

Tuesday 25 June 2019

real or not real

hey guy to day i'm going to teach real or not please like and make positive comments enjoy
here we go...

Monday 29 April 2019

All About Me

in Cybersmart i had made all about me and here's mine